Wednesday, April 23, 2008
UT Summer Methodology Workshop

From August 12 - 16 UT Austin will host a philosophical methodology workshop aimed at graduate students. Faculty participants already confirmed are:
Josh Dever (UT Austin),
Marc Moffett (Wyoming),
Mark Sainsbury (UT Austin and KCL),
Roy Sorensen (Dartmouth),
David Sosa (UT Austin), and
Ernest Sosa (Rutgers).
Stay tuned for more news on the lineup.
Attendance for those not registered at UT Austin is limited to 10, so if your a philosophy grad student at another program who is interested in attending, you'll want to check out how to apply on the website. From the site:
'The workshop is free for all participants. We hope to provide outside participants with housing and some amount of travel assistance.'
This looks like it's going to be a great event. Thanks to Alex and Alex for putting it all together.
Labels: Conferences
Monday, April 21, 2008
Logical Pluralism in Tartu
You've probably already seen this on blogs that get updated a bit more often, but....
27-31 August 2008, University of Tartu, Estonia
Daniel Cohnitz (University of Tartu)
Peter Pagin (Stockholm University)
Marcus Rossberg (Arché, University of St Andrews)
JC Beall (Connecticut)
Manuel Bremer (Düsseldorf)
Hartry Field (NYU)
Per Martin-Löf (Stockholm)
Peter Pagin (Stockholm)
Nikolaj Jang Pedersen (UCLA)
Dag Prawitz (Stockholm)
Graham Priest (Melbourne)
Agustín Rayo (MIT)
Stephen Read (St Andrews)
Greg Restall (Melbourne)
Marcus Rossberg (St Andrews)
Stewart Shapiro (Ohio State)
Johan van Benthem (Amsterdam / Stanford)
Dag Westerståhl (Gothenburg)
The conference will take place in Tartu, Estonia, from August 27-31
2008. For more information, please go here.
Everyone interested is invited to participate. To plan the event,
however, we would need your registration by July 1, 2008.
Please send us an email to
Participants are responsible for making their own travel and
accommodation arrangements. However, we have reserved some places in
a nearby student dormitory. Please indicate in your registration when
you are interested in staying at the student dormitory.
The conference is sponsored by the Swedish Bank Tercentenary Fund.
Labels: Conferences