Monday, January 14, 2008


Conferences at UT

The deadline for the 2008 Graduate Conference here at UT has been pushed back until Feb. 1st. It's mutual-knowledge* that the graduate conferences here have been great in the past, and with David Chalmers and Tamar Szabo Gendler as keynotes, that's surely going to continue. So get submitting!

As if that weren't enough, Michael Tye is organizing this year's MLK conference. which will feature papers and responses by UT graduate students. It's taking place on MLK day (Monday Jan. 21st), all are welcome, and the program is as follows:

Coffee, rolls, etc.

Welcome by Michael Tye

10.00 - 10.55
Speaker: Enrico Grube, "In Defense of Content Preservation"
Respondent: John Bengson
Chair: Nora Berenstain

11.00 - 11.55
Speaker: David Ivy, "Perceptual Experience as Neither Veridical Nor Nonveridical"
Respondent: Alex Baia
Chair: Stephen James

12.00 - 1.25

1.30 - 2.25

Speaker: Kate Ritchie, "Quantifiers, Context, and Semantic 'Completing' Strategies"
Respondent: Talia D'Abramo
Chair: Liz Rodgers

2.30 - 3.25
Speaker: Alex Grzankowski, "Against DeRose on Epistemic Modals"
Respondent: Malte Willer
Chair: Aidan McGlynn

3.30 - 4.25
Speaker: David Frank, "Once Again, With Feeling: Affectivity and the Emotions"
Respondent: Briggs Wright
Chair: Tomas Bogardus

Reception at Crown and Anchor

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