Monday, July 02, 2007
CFP: The Arché/CSMN Graduate Conference
When: November 2-4, 2007
Keynotes: Kit Fine (NYU), John Hawthorne (Oxford) and Gabriel Uzquiano (Oxford)
For the fourth annual graduate conference hosted by Arché at the University of St Andrews, we invite high-quality papers in the areas of Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Logic, Epistemology, and Metaphysics.
Deadline for submissions: August 15th, 2007
All papers will have Arché/St Andrews staff respondents, and will be follows by open discussion. Applicants should submit the following for blind review:
1. A cover sheet including author name, title of paper, institutional affiliation and email address
2. An abstract ready for blind review
3. A paper suitable for a 35-minutes presentation, of no more than 5000 words, and ready for blind review.
Electronic submissions are preferred. Papers can be submitted in .doc, .rtf, .ps., .txt, or .pdf format to:
Submissions in hard copy are also accepted. These should be sent to:
Arché Graduate ConferenceArché Research Centre
17-19 College Street
St Andrews
KY16 9AL
Accommodation expenses for all graduate speakers will be covered. Travel expenses for graduate speakers traveling from within the UK will also be covered.
For more information, please contact the organizers at, or visit the conference website.
Labels: Conferences, John Hawthorne