Friday, January 05, 2007


UT Grad Conferences

This seems a good point to remind people that the deadline for submitting papers to the 2007 Graduate Conference is the 1st of February. The CFP is here.

We're having what's becoming an annual mini internal grad conference here, organized by Mark Sainsbury, on the 15th of January. If you want to get a flavor of what the so-called core M&E UT grad students have been working on recently, check out the website here. The conference has been titled 'Mind, Language and Reality', presumably a nod to last year's main grad conference here, Thoughts, Words and Objects, though it's got something of a McDowellian flavor to it. Not sure if that's intended.

I actually got slightly worried when I saw the title - there's a lot of mind talks, but I was worried that meant someone was expecting me to talk about both language and reality. Fortunately, I realized that Nora's talk will deal with reality, so I can just frictionlessly spin in the void talking about language.


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