Thursday, January 18, 2007


Blackburn interview

I've long thought it a pity that Simon Blackburn turned so much towards the popular book market, and away from research. It's not that I don't think such efforts can be very worthwhile, especially when done by someone so competent and clear. Rather, it's always seemed like something of a loss to more focused academic philosophy.

In any case, Leiter links to an interview with Blackburn where he discusses some of his motivations for this "change of emphasis", plus raises some issues which have come up several times in the recent debate over Jason Stanley's "Wittgenstein Fallacy". Interestingly, Blackburn criticises the system in the UK, and holds up the systems in place here and in Australia as models of what should be happening in the UK. It's a very good, interesting interview, and well worth reading.


Hi Aidan

CHarlie Irvine here. How are you? By bizarre coincidence I am wrestling with deontological liberalism while writing my own dissertation (on conflict resolution). I came across PEA soup yesterday, which is linked to Ralph Bader who you mention, so I thought of you.

Nice to see your blog. Good luck with your own dissertation - what's it on?

I've also just discovered Iron & Wine - fantastic!

Take care

Hi Charlie!

I'm glad you've discovered Iron & Wine. The best thing he's done is 'He Lays in the Reins', which isn't on any album, but it's the lead track of an EP he did with Calexico.

I'm working on closing in on a dissertation topic at the moment. I know that it'll be broadly in philosophy of language. My guess is that it'll involve serious investigation of the notion of linguistic understanding.

Good to hear from you, hope the family is well,

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