Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Philosophy Dissertations

Just on the off-chance that my readers aren't a proper subset of the readers of Leiter Reports, let me point out Josh Dever's latest online project. He's started collecting philosophy dissertations and putting them online in a standardish format, or posting links to pdf files that are already online. There's only a few up so far, and already there's some really interesting looking stuff - Josh's is there, along with David Sosa's. Sider, MacFarlane and Michael Fara are also represented. And last but certainly not least is Robbie William's thesis, which I still intend to take a serious look at some day.

This seems like a great project. There's a few dissertations I'd be willing to campaign to get online, and I'm sure other people will have their own suggestions. Check out Josh's site here.

I wonder if I can just submit a print out of this blog as my thesis............


You can't hand this in as your dissertation if all the real work is done in comments ;)
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